Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Just Sharing

I just thought I would share this beautiful quilt I just finished quilting for a relative. She has wonderful color sense. It's made in shades of purple, blue and green with a background of tone-on-tone neutrals. She plans to give it away at the Knox County Fair. If you want to claim this one for yourself go to the fair, head over to the quilt display, and enter to win.

I really, really don't want to give it back to her. I KNOW I could find something to bind it with!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Some Finishes!

I finally got these three QOV quilts finished on Friday. They were SUPPOSED to get finished last fall and mailed off way before Christmas. Didn't happen...procrastination, I guess. That's as good an excuse as any. They were pieced last summer then mellowed for a while. This Spring I got backs & battings pieced. Then they laid in a pile for about two months or so, getting moved from spot to spot until I just got tired of moving them and said, "That's it, they're getting finished."  So last Sunday, Tuesday & Wednesday they got quilted and the bindings went on Friday. Now I feel like I can move on to something else.

Now to get them boxed up and in the mail. I think instead of lugging them along to Quilt Club for Show 'n Tell I might just post them on Facebook as well as here. I think my fellow quilters have access to that. Just less stuff to carry along, you know?

I think that first one would make up nice in the old feedsacks I have, only maybe start out with squares smaller than 10".... maybe 9" instead. Maybe not. We'll see.

Our Little Firecrackers

Here's our little firecrackers....the two youngest grandchildren dressed up for Independence Day in their new cowboy boots. They just recently returned from a vacation in Rocky Mountain National Park and I think all that fresh mountain air made them wilder than usual. They were sure full of it when they came to pick up their dog Wednesday evening! Their Mom & Dad report that they are good little hikers.

Happy Independence Day !!

Herding Cats

This is the picture of the Hubby's 50th class reunion. About half of the class was there, and honestly, it was like herding cats trying to get a picture with everyone's face showing and all of them looking in the same general direction (except for two, I see).

I'd kind of been dreading going, thought $50 was a lot to pay for a meal & several hours of boredom with people I mostly didn't know. It turned out to be not quite so bad. When we walking in the door at the "before" party the Hubby's cousin & wife were right there and another woman I knew slightly. Even connected with someone from my graduating class who had married an "older woman" from the Hubby's class. As a bonus the meal was actually pretty good. :)  I'm still dreading my 50th though, but after going to Hubby's with him I see that a majority of us get old & fatter and we are what we are.