Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy Sunday!!

Blue skies, sunshine, chilly and windy.  It could be a lot worse.

So many things to get done and I don't even know where to start.  I need to get some Christmas shopping done, but don't have the slightest idea what anyone wants. Guess it will be small things and gift cards. There are a few that I don't even have any ideas  for the small things. Add the fact that I positively HATE wandering around stores hoping something catches my eye and it's HIGH STRESS time. My family doesn't expect hugely expensive gifts, but they give nice gifts and just aren't always impressed with my handmade things.

Enough of that. Here's some progress on QOV quilts. Three tops made, three backings made, three bindings made, batting at the ready.

These need to be finished and mailed off within the next couple of weeks.

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving week.

1 comment:

  1. You and me both... I may have given up with Christmas giving this year. My son is a working man now and he probably has more money to spare than WE do! My daughter needs things like snow tires and I'm not sending those from Japan!
