Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stalled out

The month of May is almost finished and so is the special project for and yellow string blocks. This is as far as mine got:

I guess I can still do some but it will have to be at least 24 blocks......enough for a child's quilt. Maybe I'll have to gear up for the next special project for June/July.......10 1/2" homespun plaid blocks. Lord knows I have plenty of plaids too.

I do have a pile of QAYG blocks finished:

I had a nice big piece of pretty yellow print that a friend had gifted me to use for the backs. I'll put it together and send it off to Jay for his nursing home project. There's also a QOV top still waiting to be quilted & bound. I know I should make better use of my time and get more done, but I don't, so there you have it.

Here's a neat blog I stumbled across on another quilter's blog: Transworld Expedition. Another great travel blog. You can kill plenty of time there.


  1. I know exactly how you feel. I tell myself all the time to stop and move on to the next month's project because time got away from me.

    What is the nursing home project? I've been making tops for a nursing home where my mother lives. I hope to get them all quilted before xmas this year. I'm curious how Jay is doing his and if we are doing things similar.

  2. That is an impressive stack of blocks for the project!
