Wednesday, September 14, 2011

CPD23 -- Week 13 -- Thing 19

Wow, a catch-up week....and I've just spent 3+ hours catching up!!  Great minds, and all that....  I might have time to read others' blog entries this week. Wow!!

It's nice to have a week to just look back on how far we've come and to think about how we can use what we've learned in our work/everyday life.  I already know there are some I will never use. And some that I use and will continue to use, like blogging, RSS feeds, Dropbox, Facebook.  I can see some uses for screen capture software for helpful tutorials for staff and patrons and I want to learn to use Audacity.  Also maybe dig a little deeper into the organizing programs such as Zotero.

Now, if I could be magically given many more hours in a day to do it all as well as keep up with work, home, family, quilting, genealogy, reading, etc. maybe it would all happen.

I do know that I am definitely looking forward to the next "things" on the list.

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