Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Is tomorrow REALLY the last day of May??

It sure enough is and I'm still trying to figure out where the month went. Though I'd get some things done since I had four days in a row off work. Didn't happen. It seemed like every time I thought about loading a quilt on the machine the clouds would turn dark and the thunder would rumble. I don't plug the machine in if there's any lightning going on.

I have had a really good genealogy week. Made some new contacts, found information on the Klatts, Veenkers, Wragges, Races & Baileys.  Sometimes it just seems like every click of the mouse turns up something new. The thing I'm most excited about is finding pictures of DH's Bailey great-great-grandparents.  I stored quite a few files on my computer and printed out a bunch more. Now I just need to sit down with all of it and get it entered into my genealogy program and set up some file boxes for the paper stuff. Actually I bought the stuff I need to do that two years ago, shoved it under the bed and there it sits.

One can always hope I'll get more done in June. :)


  1. Where has the year gone? Tomorrow we start June,and have had a few cold mornings already.Enjoy the family history, I found out such a lot about my grandmother who was born in Scotland when I began some research. Cheers from Jean

  2. Where has year gone and we are still getting snow here in Montana! I'm with you, in lightening storms, my longarm is off!!!
