I had a gift certificate to the Quilter's Candy Shoppe from Christmas that's been burning a hole in my pocket so that was a priority stop and I enhanced my already extensive stash quite nicely:

That fabric on the top of the pile in the upper left is a Bonnie cheddar on steriods, maybe almost a little too bright, but I just had to have it. Under it are a couple yards each of black and white tone-on-tones to make 4-patches for Bricks & Stepping Stones quilts, and a kind of muted orange plaid that I just had to have. Maybe I'll use it in a Fall or Halloween quilt. The rest are mostly half-yard pieces/FQs of lights to replenish my supply and some yellows w/blue that will be good in Heartstrings blocks.
And I didn't just buy fabric. LOL I also got some Roundup to battle the weeds, several new spring tops for work and a pair of walking shoes. Women's shoe's are always a little skimpy through the toe area so I got a pair of men's. Actually they were the only pair I saw that I liked and they fit really well. Bought some men's socks too. Go ahead and laugh, but I like to be comfortable and I'm old enough to not care about what's "supposed to be."
And here's the latest photo of my pretty kitty. It's very hard to get any kind of picture of her, she's so solidly black. Her eyes are glowing nicely here.

For some reason she loves hanging out in her carrier. You'd think she would hate it since it's what she gets put in to go to the vet. Cats are strange sometimes. But then, aren't we all?? LOL